About Laaken
Laaken Asset Management is an independent asset manager, owned by its partners and based in Amsterdam. Our firm was founded in 2005 by three partners with decades of experience in financial markets. Our clients include private individuals, families, entrepreneurs and foundations in the Netherlands and abroad.

A wealth manager must perform
The vast majority of wealth managers are unable to achieve better results than the market. They increasingly follow the market with passive instruments but hurt the performance with their management fees. We are convinced there is a better way.
The basis of our success
At Laaken we have achieved significantly better returns than the market since 2007. Not only compared to the market, but also in comparison with most other wealth managers and private banks in the Netherlands.
The basis of our success lies in our unique investment approach that is based on the these pillars: (1) following a proven strategy, (2) avoiding unnecessary costs, and (3) preventing irreparable damage.
The partners invest in the same portfolio as our clients. This way the interests are completely aligned. Moreover, a portfolio at Laaken can always be liquidated, so that you keep access to your wealth at all times.
What we offer
We offer tailor-made portfolios for clients with a minimum portfolio size of €1mln. Your portfolio is managed in your own acount at a custodian bank of your choice. Laaken will advise on an appropriate risk-return profile taking into account your financial situation and investment goals.
In addition Laaken offers investment funds from €250.000. The funds make the exact same investments but are more cost-efficient for smaller portfolios due to lower transaction costs and VAT exemption. You select which investment fund is appropriate for you and there is no need to open a bank account.
Depending on your financial situation and investment goals, we decide on an appropriate allocation between equities and bonds. Laaken invests directly in equities and bonds and selects securities based on an extensive set of quality characteristics.